"Oris" is the overriding term that the humanoid races use for the known
world. Here is a World Map of Oris.
The Countries of Oris, and brief descriptions thereof:
The Empire
Whether Waolung is older even than Borcea is undetermined, but Borcea
is gone and Waolung remains. Waolung is the seat of ancient human
knowledge and innovation. The Waolese people are strong and proud,
masters of agriculture, industry, warfare, magic, the arts, and even
philosophy. At one time, the Waolese Empire stretched over everything
north of the Tsojian Mountains. Now under their sixteenth dynasty, they
have lost over half of their lands and are hardly big enough to be
called an empire, but they keep the name nonetheless.
An Island nation to the north, until recently a part of the Waolese
Empire. It is populated by two races of people, the Sitton herders who
live in the mountains and the Ni'an fishers who live on the sea.
Neither are native to the isle, which is home to more types of fae and
drae than can be named. While externally different, the cultures of the
races are intrinsically similar, given their ability to coexist with
the whims of the spirits. Nevertheless, the two groups hate each other;
mostly the Sitton hate the Ni'an because the Ni'an look Waolese, and
the Ni'an hate the Sitton because the Sitton think they look Waolese.
Even so, they were able to overcome their differences in order to claim
their independence from Waolung.
Inspired by their neighbors on the island of Taine, the pale-skinned
Norsians have also, after a long time of revolting, claimed their
independence from Waolung. Their victory is indeterminate, as Waolung
withdrew due to financial difficulties. It is entirely possible that
the Waolese government might revoke the charter for independence in the
coming years.
completely unremarkable province, aside from the presence of the
university city of Lodriat. The engineers of Lodriat, long praised for
the invention of the cannon, are rumored to be inventing a hand-held
version of the large fire-arm. Lodriat is also often used for
international summits, despite it being in comfortable Waolese control.
The rest of the towns and villages sometimes dream of following in the
paths of Taine and Norsia but are, however, too scattered and
underpopulated to create an uprising. Instead, they skimp on taxes
whenever they can get away with it.
This expanse of northern tundra in considered uninhabitable by most
humanoids. Only a few dwarfen mining villages exist in its south
westernmost reaches.
Feifs of
The marshlands are good for farming if you know how, which is what the
people of Brakweir do. Out in the wilds, commonly dealing with drae and
dragons, feudal society is the best the people of Brakweir can muster.
The Kingdom
Sheren: The smaller of the two kingdoms that sprung up from the
wreckage of the Borcean Empire. It is currently ruled by the Alessendre
family. Sheren society is not considered as comely as that of Ceris,
but the country thrives from trade, and is the most financially stable
area in all of Oris.
The Kingdom
Ceris: The
larger of the two kingdoms that sprung up from the wreckage of the
Borcean Empire. It is currently ruled by the Dubrique family. Ceris is
constantly expanding its borders...in fact, it is in border disputes
with all of its neighbors save the high elves (you just don't argue
with elves). Despite this, Ceris is considered to be the crown of
culture, featuring its university city of Jeysten, the center of all
the arts and humanities. The capital city, Bureau, is also home to the
High Temple of Alos and the archbishop thereof.
Throughout the wild highlands that eventually rise into the Tsojian
Mountains are scattered several Dwarfin farming and mining settlements,
most with deep histories and traditions rooted thousands years old.
They have not taken kindly to Ceris attempting to make citizens of
them. Skirmishes between the dwarves and the Cerisian military are
commonplace in the southern expanse. The dwarves in the northern
expanse and mountains are not bothered by the Cerisians, and,
unfortunately, are not usually bothered to help their southern
This province finds itself unfortunately nestled between the four great
southern powers, most evenly amidst the three that might be interested
in claiming it. However, no agreements have ever been reached on any
counts, so Morova has remained something of a no-man's land. The people
living in Morova have never had any qualms with this, and have
lived in self-governed towns for as long as they can remember. They
also do not tend to be suspicious of stangers, as travelers are quite
commonplace. As a result, the province has become a refuge for all
sorts of fugatives.
The Nation
Mallala: Run entirely by the wealthy merchant families, this
"nation" is little more than a nest of thieves of every kind. Even so,
the merchants are good at putting on airs and throwing their money
around when it's useful, and they have thus become a power enough to
rival the great kingdoms.
Jungles:While most Elfin settlements are wild and aloof, the
high elves in Eirondrian have a strongly developed bureaucracy.
Everything within the otherwise feral jungle is managed like clockwork
by the attentive elves. The priestesshood and nobility are the rulers
in the high elf community, and they have no trouble keeping their
neighbors out of their lands.
Plains of
A few self-governed human and sun elf communities beset this otherwise
prairie wilderness.
The Maurn:
What was once the badlands guarding the outer fringes of Borcea has
since become an enormous wasteland stretching from the Naiyuk Mountains
to the vast ocean. A few oasis towns form the trade routes for people
brave or desperate enough to trek costly textiles and spices through
the desolate wastelands and sands.
Empire of
Borcea: Little is left of the legendary empire...merely a few
pieces of wall standing lonely up from the sands. Lost so long ago that
many do not believe it ever existed, sometimes scholarly expeditions
brave the Maurn to uncover the secrets of the ancient city. Few ever
Wailin is actually the name of the mountain with the highest peak on
the entire continent. Here thrives a magical settlement where the
wisest of the world have gathered to store their knowledge. Pilgramages
to Wailin are considered crucial
to young mages and historians, and many die trying to reach the peak,
despite its stonewrought roads and the magical supervision thereof.